The perfect place for a creative child!
At the Dollard Fine Arts Summer Camp, our 4 to 14-year-old campers are encouraged to explore different worlds and imagine the possibilities. Talented instructors and counsellors are always there to help guide them towards smart and thoughtful choices, whether in the art studios with paintbrushes and paper or outdoors with their friends.
With activities ranging from the visual and performing arts (Fine Art, Music, Dance and Theatre) to outdoor playtime (Games and Nature Walks), the Dollard Centre for the Arts offers kids a chance to create the magic and memories that summer camp brings.
The Dollard Fine Arts Summer Camp welcomes neurodivergent children and children with disabilities
Register for as many as you like!
Looking for more information?
Keep scrolling below to find out more about our other services, such as swimming lessons, extended hours and pricing.
Swimming Lessons
Taking place at the Civic Centre’s swimming pool, all of our campers benefit from daily guided and monitored lessons to help them build their confidence in the water and work towards their Red Cross certification.
Art Counsellor Apprenticeship Program
This summer, we welcome artsy 13 & 14-year-olds back to be a part of our new Counselor Apprenticeship Program.
Selected participants will receive artistic mentorship from our experienced instructors while creating their own solo and group studio art and live performance creations. They will also train as future counsellors and be certified in security measures, babysitting and camp counselling.
Lunch Program
Discover our new healthy menu options offered by inspired caterers:
After Hours Program
Offered from 7 AM to 8:45 AM & 3:45 PM to 6 PM
Neurodivergent Children
Neurodivergent children are welcome at the Dollard Fine Arts Summer Camp. However, every child being unique, we first need to assess his or her needs to make sure that our camp is a good fit for them. Please contact our office and request an intake form before registering your child. Our Adapted Services Coordinator will be in touch with your family to gain better insight into your child’s special needs. Only once you have received an acceptance from our office should you proceed with your registration.
See What People Are Saying
“At the Fine Arts Summer Camp, our daughter is able to try different mediums and express herself artistically.”
“Not a summer has gone by without me going to camp. It’s really been a part of my life, and a great one.”
“The Fine Arts Summer Camp was instrumental in building Ryan’s confidence and feelings of acceptance.”
Prices: Includes all classes, materials, swimming lessons and guest performances:
Art Counsellor Apprenticeship Program
Prices: Includes all workshops, materials, training, certifications and guest performances:
Pre-Registration For 2023 Families:
Week of February 19
DDO Families Only:
Week of February 26
Open Registration:
March 4
Spaces are limited so register early!
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